Home » Referees »
- FIFA 2023 Considerations Detailed (.pdf)
- FIFA 2023 Considerations Condensed (.pdf)
- MSRC 2023 Considerations on Challenges (.pdf)
- MSRC 2023 Considerations on Advantage & Tactical Fouls (.pdf)
Much of the material here is out of date, but left for historical reference while we rennovate. There are some golden nuggets here.
- Rescinding a Card (.pdf)
- Feinting During PKs (.pdf)
- 100lb Flag (.pdf)
- Bad Game (.pdf)
- Change in Referee Duties (.pdf)
- Referee Consistency (.pdf)
- Failed Assessment (.pdf)
- Feinting at PKs (.pdf)
- Referee Fitness (.pdf)
- Handball (.pdf)
- Referee Styles (.pdf)
- "I've Got It!" (.pdf)
- Lightning (.pdf)
- Mad Dog Breakout (.pdf)
- Offsides (.pdf)
- Penalty Kick! (.pdf)
- Pre-Game (.pdf)
- The Wall (.pdf)
- The Whistle (.pdf)
- Whose Game is it Anyway? (.pdf)
- Wisdom for Referees (.pdf)
- Education (.pdf)