Fitness Test Schedule
A Physical Fitness Test is required for registration, annual renewal and upgrading for the active referees in higher level grades in the US Soccer Referee Pathway. The test is optional for referees seeking higher levels, too. A fitness test is not required for Grassroots or Emeritus referees. Referees who pass the fitness test at the National Camp, a Regional Pro Clinic, Upgrade or other special clinic need not take a second test (referee is responsible for getting official test results to MSRC). Fitness testing for grade maintenance and other purposes must be completed prior to December 31 in order to recertify in the new soccer year which begins on January 1.
December 1, 2024
Franklin High School
Franklin, MA 02038
Registration is Required
Referees from outside of Massachusetts are welcome to join this event. You will need some help getting registered, so contact us.